Adventure Catalyst: The Unknown
Words: Logan Whitehead
Photos: Steve Lloyd
Ask anyone what ‘adventure’ means to them, and you’ll soon realize that the word can take on seemingly infinite amount of different meanings. I’ve had countless moments in my life that I would define as adventurous – each one unique, perhaps impossible to replicate. As I’ve found myself adjusting to life with a rewarding career that requires full-time employment, it seems those adventurous moments have become further and farther between. So I’ve spent this summer seeking balance – searching for ways to find that feeling in the midst of regular life. This is a short story exemplifying just how simple it may be.

My friend Steve Lloyd has built a life around adventure. As a world renowned photographer, he has created a career doing what he loves – exploring the unknown. Steve usually calls me when he has a relatively crazy idea, and the conversation usually involves him persuading me to do something that is completely out of the ordinary. This day would prove to be no different.
Steve calls me around 2pm on my day off, explaining his desire to take an overnight bikepacking trip in the nearby Wasatch Mountains.
“I have to work tomorrow”, I explain to him. But Steve is stubborn.
“So what?” he asks. “What time do you need to be at work?”
“We can do that.”
“Well, where are we going?”
“Somewhere I’ve never been. At least when it’s not covered in snow”, he responds.
“Is there a trail?”
“I think so, not sure”, Steve says.
This is classic Steve Lloyd. A man with a great idea, but a plan that’s a little fuzzy when it comes to the details. Perhaps that should have been the first indication that this will lead to something special. Or perhaps this is an indication that this will lead to a failed attempt at an adventure. I usually tend to think the latter. But Steve is an optimist. And he’s always sure it will become a valuable memory – an experience that can only be lived. But isn’t that what adventure is – pushing into the unknown to see what comes of it?
We meet up in the late afternoon and begin our trek up the road/trail that leads us to the base of the peak we were to summit. The road, at times, becomes relentlessly steep. When we arrive at the base of the peak we need to summit, we find a rough cut hiking trail that leads directly up the face of it. It’s usually about now that I realize that I’ve signed up for something awful, but equally awesome.